Into the Light – The Convergence of Science, God and Abortion Rights                                                             By Denise Alexander Pyle

The 1960’s was a watershed decade for civil liberties. Both the Civil and Women’s Rights movements were at the forefront at a time of enlightened thinking led both by individuals with brilliant legal minds and innocent loving hearts. It was also the era of the sexual revolution coinciding with the baby boomer generation coming to age. Scientific advances had just introduced the birth control pill onto the scene. As more women enrolled in colleges and universities and opportunities for women increased, pregnancy was increasingly considered an inconvenience, especially to upwardly mobile families wanting to delay starting a family in favor of career. If pregnant, the choice was no longer between checking out for several months to await the birth of a child to be adopted or risk getting an abortion in an unsafe environment.  Science had developed new technologies that made abortion a routine minimally invasive medical procedure.  How could that be illegal?

During Chief Justice Warren’s tenure, rights such as privacy and protections against unreasonable searches and seizures had been greatly expanded.  Termination of pregnancy was just a simple medical procedure between doctor and parties and from a constitutional perspective legalization was the logical next step.  Morally grounded arguments were either ignored and blurred and predictably divided along religious viewpoints. The issue became part of women’s rights issues along with equal pay and sport’s equality. The American Civils Liberties Union was active in the fight for the rights’ of women, and courageous and remarkable women like the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg built their careers and reputations in this arena.

Like all things, however, ideas, movements and science have their shadow side. In the wrong hands, they can potentially be co-opted and weaponized by those operating in the shadows with more sinister designs. They have ulterior motives unknown to the unwitting light workers who believe they are carrying a torch for a noble and just cause. The timing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, when we are witnessing a Great Awakening across the globe, cannot be more profound.  We are at a crossroads where science will either save or destroy us.  

The Supreme Court will play a significant role in deciding how technology will be employed, especially by Government in relation to the Constitutional rights of its citizens. The future of Roe v Wade requires us to re-examine the issue of abortion rights in light of this new paradigm. Are we a nation under God and what does that really mean? When does life really begin? There are many questions that need to be asked and answered as truth comes to light and the answers may change what anyone can assume the late Justice Bader Ginsburg would have opined.

           History provides both context and perspective. For well over a century, population control, especially ethnic or racial cleansing, has been an agenda item for many powerful people. Although this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and the Ten Commandments were posted in both court houses and capitol buildings, this concept seems to contradict the sixth Commandment which prohibited the taking of an innocent life. Science, founded on the theory of evolution supplanted the idea of creation and belief in God. The “modern” view supported “survival of the fittest” with man in charge. The 10 Commandments were treated like a myth. It was in this context that Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, as a subterfuge to educate and reduce the population of minorities. She was a eugenicist and worked with the Rockefeller family, the first pharmaceutical dynasty and others under the cover of a noble cause.  The forces of light and dark, good and evil, or God and the Devil, were already at work behind the scenes as science emerged to become a key player as the abortion drama  unfolded.  Big Pharma, whose sales since 1960 have grown from $2.7 billion to nearly $360 billion, was still in its infancy but the financial elite were already in control and had new tools at their disposal.  

Fast forward. The Pill arrives on the scene. Hollywood embraced it with such movies as “Prudence and the Pill.” Hugh Hefner and Playboy became the cultural icons for the newfound sexual freedom it created. Like many enlightened baby boomers, my freshman year enrollment at the University of Michigan in 1970, included a trip to the local Planned Parenthood clinic to receive my first prescription for birth control pills. Planned Parenthood was already the retailer for both the agenda of pharmaceutical sales and population control with the largest potential population in history. The pill was marketed as “safe and effective,” although there are serious side effects which were easily dismissed due to the convenience of the pill. Other birth control methods evolved, and eventually along came the Morning After pill.  

Science was in control and profits soared as family planning was redefined.  Clinics expanded and little attention was paid to the increasing number of minorities that were also being targeted. However, even with the pill, accidents occurred and there were a large number of uneducated baby boomers without knowledge of or access to the choices available and abortion was still illegal in most states. And, there was more money to be made. “Save the children” had a different meaning then. Abortions were going to occur anyway so instead of teenagers and coeds being exposed to a backroom butcher, thanks to science, a “safe and effective” alternative was available and necessary. Why not legalize abortion and tie this to the Women’s rights movement?  It made logical sense from a scientific perspective, especially its lure to the minions of women with new found freedom and economic opportunities. By 1973, a plaintiff was found and Roe v Wade was the outcome.

The backlash was also instant. The Right to Life movement emerged. Its moral and religious appeal to those with strong conviction about the sanctity of life crossed the entire political spectrum. Inside the beltway, big Pharma lobbyists and the elite saw another opportunity to promote their agenda and further cement their power and control in Washington. Divide and conquer the masses and create an illusion of choice, in the political sense. They went to work to promote a women’s “right to choose” employing their friends in Hollywood. But there were still other hidden agendas converging.  Following the post Viet Nam War hyperinflation and government expansion, working women represented more revenue to the elite in the form of taxes, and with two working parents, the system controlled both the children and their education. Women’s rights were a cause to be embraced. Those who foresaw its long term negative effects on families were politically marginalized as Conservative fundamentalists or far right. Unless you looked deep beneath the rhetoric, the memes of their day were logical and the religious arguments were labeled fanatic. Also lurking deep in the dark background was the Marxist and communist agendas patiently awaiting our demoralization, the erosion of the traditional family, our culture and the destruction of America that JFK, Reagan and others warned us about during periods where we were seemed more cohesive as a nation.

          Over the next several decades, the number of abortions increased exponentially.  Planned Parenthood went from providing education and exams during the 1970’s to becoming one of the largest abortion service providers in the Nation. Funding of the procedure became another divisive topic, especially with federal dollars in play. The “morning after pill” efficiently addressed early term pregnancy termination. Suddenly, the time frame for when abortion should and could occur began shifting. Pro-choice baby boomers came of age when abortion generally occurred in the first trimester and paid little attention, although other countries allowed and limited the procedure into the second trimester. Science continued to add new criteria to consider, as “safe and effective” amniotic fluid testing allowed parents to choose abortion in the context of gender selection and the potential of birthing a child with birth defects. Partial birth and full term post-delivery abortions soon became more frequent and legislation both banning and promoting them were passed and challenged, all in the context of Roe V. Wade. What was the issue now really about:  life versus choice, safe and effective health care, or the relationship between Planned Parenthood, population control, big Pharma and money?

Technological advances were occurring in the arenas of fertility and preserving the life of premature babies. Statistics demonstrated an increase in infertility and sterility in our population creating another profitable medical field. It should have followed from science and logic that these advances in both in vitro and prenatal and pediatric medicine could be God’s way of ending the abortion option and opening up channels to “preserve” embryos for surrogacy and adoption, creating potential ‘birtheries’ to replace abortion clinics. Could a discussion emerge to find answers that might end or help close the abortion gap and help the nation find common ground?  With these revolutionary concepts, new ethical debates surfaced including the use of harvested stem cells. The darker side to scientific progress remained hidden from view. Abortion was big business, but the profit wasn’t just from the procedure. Planned Parenthood funding joined the divisive political debate, which was framed to test one’s support for women’s rights. But, it was really not about their rights and women were none the wiser, all the elite had to do was keep the eye off the real prize. There was never any real scientific debate.

In 1986, unknown to most Americans until the COVID-19 pandemic, an act was passed by Congress that gave manufacturers of vaccines governmental immunity from lawsuits involving injury from their products, a concept Justice Ginsburg also opposed. Within a few short years, the recommended childhood vaccine schedule went from 3 to 72 shots. Along with the increased number of vaccines, there was a noticeable rise in childhood related illnesses and disorders, including SIDS. Parents tried to sound the alarm, but were dismissed and labeled anti-Vaxxers as big Pharma tried to silence the movement, and the researchers and virologists who tried to expose the truth. They pushed legislation limiting the religious and medical exemptions and options available to parents who chose to opt out of vaccines and again, pushed the benefits of science on the legal and medical community to argue their position. Doctors rarely read or shared with their patients the list of ingredients and side effects contained in the box housing the vaccines administered by the doctors that were characterized as “safe and effective.” 

So, how does this all fit in with the Supreme Court, the issue of abortion and the Great Awakening? As the race for a vaccination to prevent the spread of coronavirus became front page news across the globe, people now locked down in their homes and with new found time on their hands, started to do their own research. There is an old adage: “when the student is ready the teacher appears,” and all of a sudden, long silenced whistleblowers were speaking out. An exponentially increasing number of individuals began finding and reading studies and reports about long terms agendas and plans regarding potential pandemics and population control that had long been hiding in plain view.  Social media and the internet provided vast amounts of information, including the fact that fetal tissue is among the ingredients used in vaccines, which could have profound effects on human DNA. Internet and social media sites have lit up across the globe as an ever increasing number of individuals are sharing and “re tweeting” this type of information. Suddenly Big Pharma and the elite were exposed and under attack. Big Tech was instantly activated to shut it down. But even more information came to light in response to the attempts at censorship of this information. Harvesting fetal tissue has become a very big business for the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood and others are the supply chain for the pharmaceutical industry and they have a huge demand for this product.  Reports have surfaced that an even more sinister by- product is being manufactured from late term babies, although they have been quickly labeled a “conspiracy theory” and proponents branded extreme right wing fascists. The truth regarding that claim remains to be seen.

We are already witnessing that a candidate’s view on abortion is going to be the litmus test to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by RBG’s death. This issue is being radically weaponized by the same puppet masters to further divide our already fractured country into civil war and chaos in furtherance if not completion of their long planned agenda. We must wake up immediately and re-examine the abortion issue based upon real facts its history. Science and belief in God are not opposites, but complements that must be balanced and used for the good of mankind. Given enough time, science will actually prove the existence of God. We can benefit from technology and we will evolve as morally and spiritually fit humans from the darkness into the Light. But first, as always, we must “follow the money’ and take our power back and demand accountability.  In the light of this analysis, what would Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg really do? She championed women so they wouldn’t be exploited during the movement’s age of innocence, most likely unaware of its shadow side. In today’s world, a women’s right to choose is a myth. Life is not “an agenda.” The dark forces have always been clever. The Great Awakening requires us to fully comprehend the meaning of life here on our planet and evolve in a way that lovingly preserves it for generations to come.  Wake up America. We have been played again.  No more. It is time for us to choose wisely. God Bless Us One and All.


2 thoughts on “INTO THE LIGHT

  1. Denise you really have a gift. Thank you for this beautiful brilliant piece. Love and Light be with you my friend. Brenda

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