The Ten Commandments and Golden Rule for America, it’s leaders and citizens (and respective governments throughout the World)

                                                        By Denise Alexander-Pyle

  1. America is our country and we are all Americans with equal rights as bestowed by our Creator.  We must love and respect our country and each other.
  • As Americans, we pledge our loyalty to our country and each other.  We serve our country and each other in gratitude for the liberty and freedoms bestowed upon us.
  • As a country and as its citizens we do not abuse our rights or powers, here or abroad.  We take individual responsibility for all our actions and promote peace, not blame and violence.
  • We set aside time to reflect on who we are as a nation and keep vigilance over our constitutional republic. We pledge allegiance to stay true to its divine purpose and both forgive and correct wrongdoings as they become known as we continually evolve as a nation and its people.   
  • We honor all the men and women who founded and have given service to this Country.  They are the strength from which this nation was and is built.  They are our teachers, even when the lessons are through their mistakes. This is how we find our balance.
  • We promote and preserve all life and do not kill or shed the blood of innocent people.  We are each bestowed with unique gifts to create a beautiful nation and world and nurture all that exists in harmony for this and future generations. 
  • Our institutions and the people they serve obey our Constitution and all just laws and equitable principles.  We stand courageous and honor our commitments to our nation and each other and the planet.
  • We respect the boundaries our country and all nations and the property rights of each other. We do not take what is not ours or deprive another of the value of their work.  We balance liberty and restraint in justice and charity.
  • As a nation and its citizens we must seek and spread truth. To preserve the integrity of our freedoms we must promote honesty and discernment and expose all falsehoods and manipulation by or against our Country or its citizens.
  1.  We preserve, secure and protect the rights of our County and its citizens without interfering in another country’s right to do the same as long as they respect our right and do not threaten our security or the future of the planet.  We all deserve the right to fairly enjoy the bounty of this Earth and strive to become the best possible version of a nation and its people.
  1. THE GOLDEN RULE – We are all citizens of this Country and the World as created by the One.  We must love each other as we love ourselves and treat each other as we wish to be treated. The same rules apply to EVERYONE and are derived not by man, but our divine Creator. 
The Ten Commandments and Golden Rule for America, it’s leaders and citizens (and respective governments throughout the World)
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